Soft pillowy clouds of deliciousness, with an essence of coconut.
Whipped to oblivion
Pipped into little kissed dollops
Baked slowly, until light and airy.
And dipped in chocolate, just because.
Coconut Merginues:
~Adapted from Eatliverun
3 egg whites
1/4 teaspoon cream of tarter
1 teaspoon coconut extract
3/4 Cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup heavy cream
In a bowl seperate the egg whites, add cream of tarter and coconut extract. With an electric mixer start beating the egg mixture until quite foamy (3 minutes). Start adding sugar, very slowly and gradually to the egg whites. *Do not dump all the sugr in at one time, the egg whites will deflate and then you will not have wonderful airy merginue clouds.
Once all the sugar is added the mixture should be soft and glossy. Put into a pastry bag and pipe onto parchment paper or silpats.
Bake for 1 hour at 200 degrees. My oven runs a little hot so my merginues got a little toasty and a little browned. oops
Be very careful when letting them cool, they are super fragile.
Either microwave or double double chocolate chips and cream until melted and smooth.
Dip cooked merginue into the chocolate gently. Place on parchment paper and refridgerate until set.
Sometimes you just need something to dream about on a Monday.
What did you day dream about today?
Brookie you have out done yourself. These look amazing!!!! Feel free to drop some off at my place.