Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Everybody's doing it

Around the blog world I have seen a lot of posts related to bloggers favorites things of the moment, whether it be books, movies, songs, food, kitchen appliances etc. Well I don't want to be left out and well I'm letting peer pressure take over.

Things I love right now....

1.)Grace Potter and the nocturnals

2.)Black beans

3.)Lululemon yoga pants

4.)netflix documentaries

5.)The 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels, lets not get carried away she is helping me fit in my jeans so I love that

6.)Peanut butter Chocolate Chip Larabars

7.)Sun dresses because its finally getting warmer!

8.)Staying in on a weekend night...I know a little nerdy but I go through phases like this

9.)Disposable pastry bags

10.)Trader Joe's 3 layer hummus

What do you love right now?


  1. I love that dress!!!! Where is it from? Careful around lululemon, the employees are crazy! Lastly, I LOVE BROOKIE!!!

  2. I know I'm a little late but here are some things that I love:

    New dresses, curling my hair with my straightener, this new recipe I have for a flour less chocolate cake (it is AWESOMEEE), the royal wedding, and dancing around my house when no one else is home! Oh and most importantly.......YOU!!!!! Love you lots B!


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