However, today was a really long day at work. I literally found myself driving around in circles, no really in circles, Dupont circle to be exact. I am terrible with directions and after driving and dropping off items to restaurants for 4 hours I needed a pick me up.
Solution? Blondies of course.
I read Jenna's post on blondies and I have been thinking/dreaming about them since. Tonight was the night.
You can't go wrong with toffee, I adore toffee.
Toffee and cookie dough
Chocolate, toffee, salty baked goodness
Can you really resist?
You should make these now. It could turn your whole day around.
Salted Toffee Blondies:
~adapted from Smitten Kitchen
1 stick butter
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract (or the seeds of one vanilla bean)
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup chopped heath bar
Salt for topping
Cream the butter with the brown sugar until a smooth paste. Add the egg and vanilla extract. Add the salt and flour until all is combined.
Add the health bar pieces!
Bake at 350 in a greased baking pan for 25 minutes.
Add salt to the top and let cool.
CONGRATS ON FINDING A PLACE!!!!! That is just too darn exciting! Also exciting, are those blondies. Fine I'll bake some tomorrow. No seriously, I'm baking some tomorrow.