2.) It's the small things in life that make it worth while: Something as small as a cookie or a brownie from the heart really make a difference.
3.) It's okay to make mistakes: I have had many failed baking attempts that resulted with me, on the floor, crying with batter all over my face. Not everything is always perfect, I shouldn't expect every recipe or life choice to turn out exactly as planned.
4.)Chocolate can solve most problems: While I don't know if chocolate can solve issues in the middle east, it can definitely solve many of your problems. Broken heart? Celebration? Had a bad day? The answer to your problems is always chocolate
5.)Have fun: It's easy to get caught up in a recipe and measuring and taking charge in the kitchen but when you just let go and just decide to have fun it makes things a lot easier.
6.) Don't take life so seriously: Making some wacky combinations can turn out amazing while others can fall pretty short but in the end its just a cookie or cake not the end of the world.
7.) If you don't succeed try try again: That pavolva didn't rise like it was suppose to? Take your chances and make it again, you might be surprised.
8.) It's ok to ask for help: I have been known to stake out my territory in the kitchen and take charge. I know things turn out when I do them but in the end its not about doing it all myself its about being together and sharing in the task. You don't have to do it all by yourself.
9.) The recipes you create yourself are always best...ok so I stole this line from a movie but its so true.
10.)Everything's better with butter
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