I can fold my tongue into a three leaf clover
Bracelets are my jewelry of choice
This year was the first year in many that I didn't run the Race for a Cure in Philaldelphia on Mother's Day
My favorite breakfast food is French Toast
I'm pretty darn stubborn, I like to think of it as strong willed
I really want to start making yeast breads, souffles and cheesecakes but they scare me
Tomatoes are my favorite vegetable. I still call it a vegetable, always will
I use the word "clearly" a lot
I love all artwork by Henri Matisse
I'm totally feeding into the whole frozen yogurt craze.....I love it and I don't care if that makes me a follower
I tend to dance in the mirror when no ones looking
I have blue eyes
No matter how hard I try, after grocery shopping, something is always open and half eaten before I even make it back to my apartment
I love making lists and crossing things off
I love coffee but I never seem to finish an entire cup
I am really strange about my tooth brush, it can't be near anyone else's, no matter how close I am to them and it must be cleaned thoroughly after every use. I even keep it/store it in a travel case everyday...bizarre I know
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